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Coockie Privacy

In accordance with the provision of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, the "Guarantor") of 8 May 2014, containing the identification of simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies (hereinafter , the “Cookies Provision”), as well as the requirements of EU Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, Hosteda Hotels Srl - Via Tempio del Cielo,1 - 00144 Rome – P. IVA 03268410929 (Hosteda for short) intends to inform the user of the following.


To be fully informed about

What are cookies?

What are they for?

IF they represent potential risks to our privacy?

How can we protect our personal data when we surf the web?


We also invite you to watch the new video tutorial created by the Privacy Guarantor. which is part of an information campaign which also includes the information sheet presented on this page and a list of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the subject of "Information and consent for the use of cookies".


Cookies are of different nature and are used for different purposes, some of these, such as technical ones, are useful for the correct functioning and security of the site, the others are aimed at analyzing and improving your browsing experience and personalization of our communications. In particular, the cookies used on the website are:


Technicians are useful for the correct functioning and security of the site, the others are aimed at analyzing and improving your browsing experience and personalizing our communications.

Marketing which, through the use of Newsletter or Contact Us forms contained on the website, allow us to track your preferences or your device and are also used to make the site work according to your expectations, for example finding information more easily on a product you are interested in.

Cookies and privacy

Given the particular invasiveness that profiling cookies (especially third-party cookies) can have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation requires that the user must be adequately informed about their use and express their valid consent to the insertion of cookies on your terminal.


In particular, with the provision "Identification of simplified methods for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014 [web doc n. 3118884] the Guarantor for the protection of personal data has established that when you access the home page or another page of a website that uses cookies for profiling and marketing purposes, a clearly visible banner must immediately appear, indicating clearly:

that the site uses profiling cookies to send targeted advertising messages;

that the site also allows the sending of "third party" cookies, in case of use of this type of cookie, i.e. cookies installed by a different site via the site you are visiting;

a link to a broader information, with instructions on the use of cookies sent by the site, where it is possible to deny consent to their installation directly or by connecting to the various sites in the case of "third party" cookies;

the indication that by continuing to browse (e.g., accessing another area of ​​the site or selecting an image or link) you consent to the use of cookies.


With Directive 2009/136/EC on cookies the European Union intends to better protect the personal data of Internet users. To this end, the EU makes a distinction between technical cookies and profiling cookies. According to the Cookie Directive, necessary cookies can be set from the outset, i.e. even without the user's prior consent. On the other hand, however, website visitors must agree to cookies saving unnecessary data. Therefore the EU directive requires a so-called opt-in solution for non-necessary cookies.

The main difference between opt-out and opt-in is as follows:

opt-out: cookies are active from the beginning and users have the possibility to refuse the saving of their data only at a later time.

opt-in: cookies are active only when and if the user consents to the saving of their data.

In compliance with the aforementioned regulations on the HOSTEDA website, the user can:

accept the installation of all cookies by clicking on "Accept all";

customize your preferences by selecting "Manage" and give consent to the installation of some cookies and not others;

refuse the installation of all cookies (except technical ones) by clicking on “Only necessary”

With this cookie policy in addition to its own Privacy Policy, Hosteda Hotels Srl - Via Tempio del Cielo,1 - 00144 Rome – VAT number 03268410929 intends to provide information to users of this site regarding the actions to refuse, modify or give consent to the cookies used.

Hosteda Hotels Srl - Via Tempio del Cielo,1 - 00144 Rome – VAT number 03268410929 – +39 06 40061 110

Technical cookies are essential for the functioning of the site and the provision of the services offered therein. Among these there are also analytical cookies which are used to monitor the use of the site by users for the purpose of optimizing it and allow FMG through statistical and anonymous analyzes of the site itself and its use of the site to improve its functioning. .

These cookies are installed and managed directly by FMG. Marketing cookies help us improve the effectiveness of our messages and personalize commercial information based on your preferences expressed during your browsing.
The installation of these cookies requires your consent which you can modify at any time through the "Manage your preferences" functionality.

Cookies managed by third-party companies other than FMG, which act as independent data controllers, are also installed through this website.
The installation of these cookies requires your consent which you can modify at any time through the "Manage your preferences" function or by accessing the following links to the relevant information.
Below is the detailed list of Third Party cookies we use and related links.
-Google Analytics 4

In any case, in addition to the protections provided, you also have other options for browsing without cookies
Block third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are generally not essential for browsing, so you can refuse them by default, through specific functions of your browser.
 Enable the Do Not Track option

The Do Not Track option is present in most latest generation browsers. Websites designed to respect this option should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data when activated. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to respect this (discretionary) option
 Activate “anonymous browsing” mode

Using this function you can navigate without leaving any trace of your browsing data in the browser. Sites will not remember you, the pages you visit will not be stored in your history and new cookies will be deleted. However, the anonymous browsing function does not guarantee anonymity on the Internet, because it only serves to not keep browsing data in the browser, while your browsing data will continue to remain available to website managers and connectivity providers.
 Delete cookies directly

There are special functions to do this in all browsers. However, remember that new cookies are downloaded with each connection to the Internet, so the deletion operation should be performed periodically. If desired, some browsers offer automated systems for periodically deleting cookies.
You will have the right to ask the Data Controller at any time to revoke any consent (art. 7) given, and access to your personal data (art. 15), rectification (art. 16) or cancellation (art. 17) of the same, the limitation of the processing that concerns him (art.18) or to oppose their processing (art. 21), in addition to the right to data portability (art. 20).
We also inform you that you can exercise the rights referred to in the previous paragraph by sending the appropriate form to the Data Controller (downloadable on the website of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data -online), duly completed, through the following methods:
 by e-mail to the following address:

 by postal service to: Hosteda Hotels Srl - Via Tempio del Cielo,1 - 00144 Rome;

Again pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679, you will have the right to lodge a formal complaint with the Guarantor Authority (art. 77) according to the methods indicated on the Authority's website at the address: /forms-and-services-online, or to propose a judicial appeal (art. 79).

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